Noise Drawings
Noise Drawings
Generative Line Drawings • 2022
A series of generative line drawings based on noise functions, evoled in computer then plotted on fine art paper
A series of generative drawings based on various kinds of stationary noise algorithms, such as Perlin noise and Curl noise. I designed the software in Processing (shown above), which allows freeform exploration of the parameter space. Selected drawings are then plotted in permanent ink onto fine art paper. Drawings are available in A4 (21cm x 29.7cm) or A3 (29.7cm x 41cm) formats on smooth (220gsm) or fine grain (200gsm) fine art papers.
Each image is created using the software by searching the parameter space for suitable drawings. Once found, they are then plotted onto paper. The mechanical plotting process introduces subtle artefacts and material conditions not found in the digital versions.

Each drawing can be represented using 17 floating-point numbers. These numbers can act as a digital "genome", allowing the use of evolutionary techniques to search for the most interesting phenotypes (drawings). We used a Quality-Diversity algorithm to evolve a diverse set of aesthetically interesting forms.
Searching this large parameter space can be difficult, but using the Quality-Diversity search and then fine-tuning by hand was a fruitful approach.

Some examples of the drawings evolved using this method are shown below. Full details can be found in this technical paper.
A limited number of prints from the series are available for purchase via The Artling.

© 2025
Jon McCormack